Saturday, January 20, 2007


Cue the Pr0n Music!

The comment thread on this post (video link is very NSFW, but oh so worth it) over at The Bitch Girls got me thinking. Countertop says:
If you think “they do have a point about how animals are treated” and conditions are even anywhere near what they claim, then I have a bridge to sell you in brooklyn.

Cool, I always wanted to own a bridge! Though I would need a troll to go under it, and those are harder to find... My own thought is that, whatever its other faults, PETA doesn't exaggerate terribly about the conditions under which food animals are raised. They don't need to, because even the most clinical description would horrify any person.

But people aren't the ones being kept in those conditions, animals are. For a group that claims to be so in touch with nature, PETA sure doesn't get the whole food chain thing. The only thing we owe our food supply is to cultivate it in such a way that it doesn't run out. And I'm not even claiming that people float above the animal kingdom. We're definitely animals, and you could make a case that we're kinder and gentler to our prey than any other predator. Owls, those cute cuddly creatures from the Harry Potter movies, swoop down out of the night sky and spear defenseless small rodents with their talons, yanking them off the ground and out of the lives of their fellow meeses in a split second and carrying them off to a cold treetop, where they begin to eat them before they're dead. Is that humane? Is PETA going to train owls to go vegan? Actually I'd be fascinated if someone would try that, but then PETA doesn't concern me in the least. I am all for them continuing down their current path of bitching pointlessly about mankind's genetically programmed diet, while training attractive women to take their clothes off for the camera

Actually my work the last few years has had me involved with the meat industry (beef, pork, chicken and turkey). My contacts have indeed shared descriptions of the slaughter process. Although it is certainly not the most pleasant conversation, the more I learn about it the more comfortable I am.

One man at a chicken company told me (paraphrased)

"What the animal activists don't understand is it is already in our best interest to take care of the chickens the best we can."

He cited a couple of examples (such as "putting too many chickens in one area")-- each would end up with the chickens getting stressed out, not growing the best they could and becoming more suceptible to illness.

I've heard the beef company point out that it is in their best interest to keep the cows peaceful near the end. If the cows get aggitated, the meat will not be as tender.

I'm sure there are still horrible attrocities that occur, but the companies I have spoken to still make me overall feel comfortable with the process. It also touches me that down the ranks of the organization, their employees do believe taking care of the animals will produce a better product. It is ingrained in them just like a corporate mission statement or quality policy.
actually i took these photos from a CT egg farm myself: the conditions of egg laying hens couldn't have been worse

if i spelled racoon right, that link above has a discussion about killing animals.. in my attic :)

some conceptual overlap. i make it a point that WE ARE above animals, but that doesn't really matter too much as I don't control the food chain for the human species :)

Vicky: Be careful what a corporate mouthpiece tells you.
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