Friday, December 01, 2006


There is no such thing as "gifting"!

Rant: Gifting is the worst advertising-caused word coinage I can think of. It doesn't even make sense! If I give you something, it's called "giving", and the something is then referred to as a gift. You can't then go back around and say you're "gifting" it to the person. This is the worst example of bad english ever. I previously hated the substitution of "home" for "house" (RIP "what makes a house a home?"--now it automatically is) but gifting is way, way worse. And it's showing up more and more. Maybe the frogs were onto something with their anti-language butchering laws...

Yeah, I'm not seriously suggesting language laws. I think what irks me about "gifting" and the house/home thing is that they came about because of people being inundated with marketing. "Partying" evolved naturally ;-)
I'm not terribly fond of the word "consumer." What was wrong with "customer?"
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