Thursday, October 12, 2006


This Is What I Come Back To?

Seriously, I can't leave you people alone for three days. Cory Lidle crashes into an apartment building, Kim Jong Il attempts to explode a nuke, Rep. Foley doesn't understand that a pageboy is just a haircut, and now Mark Warner isn't going to run for President in '08.

Of course, the real news is the Canucks versus the Enormous Mary Jane Plant in Afghanistan (feed me!!!)--what would life be without Fark?

In the meantime I've been reading up on Civil War blockade runners and how to get your pilot's license. As usual, I want to do about a week's worth of stuff everyday, but I'm sure I'll pick one soon. Probably flying, since the market for blockade running has been pretty dead the last 145 years.

And finally I am contemplating camping this weekend, even though the overnight low is predicted to be in the mid 30s. That's why they make 30-degree sleeping bags, right? Or at least that's why they make nice hot campfires ...and booze!

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